Sep 6, 2012

I made new friend!

I love living in different areas. In the past 10 years I have lived in....
Upstate New York (Thanks Dad for the pic)
Pennsylvania (my first college-Cedar Crest College)
Northern Arizona (nearby ruins)

Western New York (Right down the road from Buffalo State)

SouthernArizona (hiking in Tucson)
Washington State (Vashon Island)
And now Maryland 
And I have met LOTS of friends. I still talk to at least one person from every place I have lived. Making friends is not something that happens all on it's own and I feel like sometimes when you first move somewhere you miss all the people from the last place you have lived that you over look the new people right in front of you.

As I have previously expressed, finding a running partner in this area has been hard for me. But I run on a trail and always see runners out. Today when I was running I saw another woman running and walking and decided at 2.5 miles I would stop and talk to her. So what was supposed to be 3 miles of running quickly turned into 5.5 miles of chatting. I am looking forward to running into her (pun fully intended) on the trail again. Maybe we can be running buddies someday :)

Today's run was 2.5 miles and then walking and talking for another 2.2 miles and then I ran back home when my new friend went on her own way for another 0.8 miles....for a grand total of 5.5 miles. It felt cooler tonight and a little less humid cause it rained all day today so it was the perfect night to spend sometime with a new friend. And despite it being cooler I was a hot schweaty mess when I got home.

My "long" run on Saturday is 4 miles. But compared to today's 5.5 miles I am wondering if I should just do 5 miles again like last week. We will see how I feel on Saturday I guess.

Where have you lived?

Do you find making friends easy or hard?

What was your run like?

Any long runs planned for this weekend?

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